Breast Cancer Awareness Day
Alexander Fulton Hotel, 3p.m. Sponsored by Miss Black Louisiana USA Talented Teen Contestant, Saretta Wilson. Silent auction, photo booth, information booths and vendor booth
Alexander Fulton Hotel, 3p.m. Sponsored by Miss Black Louisiana USA Talented Teen Contestant, Saretta Wilson. Silent auction, photo booth, information booths and vendor booth
Rapides Parish Library, 5416 Provine PL, 10-11a.m. Sponsored by Master Rousseau’s Taekwondo. Come learn how to recognize bullying, how to avoid bully situations and what to do if you are bullied. Master Rousseau will be assisted by Bully Prevention Specialist Carolyn Guin, trained in the Olweus Program. Cost: admission free. Call Master Rousseau: 443-8066.
CHRISTUS Cabrini Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Noon. Sponsored byCHRISTUS ST.Frances Cabrini Hospital Women’sLifeCenter. Please join Cabrini Associates and Community as we launch pink and white balloons to raise awareness about breast cancer. Cost: admission free. Call Diane Kitts: 483-4026.
Cultural Arts District, DowntownAlexandria, 4-9p.m. Sponsored by the Arts Council ofCentral Louisiana. ArtWalk’s theme is Steampunk, so come dressed in your best Neo-Victorian garb. If you are interested in being a vendor or performing, please call ASAP. Cost: admission free. Call Kyle May: 484-4471.
TudorCommunity Center, Tues. and Thurs. 6-8p.m. Cost: admission free. Call Captain Darrin Luneau: 487-6559.
YWCA, behind ASH, 3-6p.m. Program designed for children ages 4-13. Time is set aside for counselor assisted homework. Cost: $55 for registration/membership and $50 weekly. Call Marle Chapman: 442-3397.
September 26: Archaeology Day, Kent Plantation House, 9a.m.-Noon. Come spend the morning learning all about Central Louisiana’s early ancestors, how they lived, worked and played. Open to all school and church groups with reservations. Cost: Admission free. Call Kent Plantation House: 487-5998.
September 22: Les Fest, Alexandria Zoo, 10a.m.-4p.m. Sponsored by Friends of the Alexandria Zoo (FOTAZ), Alexandria Zoo and the City of Alexandria. See what’s happening at the zoo. A free day of music, entertainment, animals and fun in remembrance of former Zoo Director Les Whitt. Concessions, gift shop and train available. Cost: Admission free. Call Lee Ann Whitt: 441-6814.